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Tour Cheyenne Traditional School


All of our Spring After-School Tours are currently full. Please reach out to our Registrar if you would like to be notified if and when a tour slot opens up. Thank you for your understanding. 

Registrar for Cheyenne Traditional School:
Molly Gluzinski

We are happy to have your interest in Cheyenne Traditional School! 

View the Tour Slideshow here

If you have questions regarding enrollment, please contact the front office at 480-484-5603

​After- School Tours: Please note for the after-school campus tours, each tour is limited to 10 families.  Once you complete your online tour request, your request will be sent to the school to ensure there is availability. You will receive email communication from the school stating that your tour request is confirmed or declined due to availability.

Cheyenne 360 Experience:

Join us for an in-depth session to learn more about Cheyenne Traditional and our exceptional staff, students, and families.  You will hear from the principal, visit in-session classrooms, tour the campus, engage in a Q and A with current Cheyenne students. Please sign up one of the dates below to learn more about Cheyenne.

  • Session 1: 11/05/24 | 7:45 am - 9:30 am -FULL
  • Session 2: 11/12/24 | 7:45 am - 9:30 am -FULL
  • Session 3: 11/19/24 | 7:45 am - 9:30 am -FULL

Campus Tours:

Join us for an after-school tour of our campus and to learn more about Cheyenne Traditional School.  Tours begin promptly at 2:30 pm and will end at 3:00 pm.

  • 1/16/25 @ 2:30 pm -FULL
  • 2/20/25 @ 2:30 pm -FULL
  • 3/20/25 @ 2:30 pm -FULL
  • 4/24/25 @ 2:30 pm -FULL